Who won Jeopardy! tonight? November 8, 2022, Tuesday

May 2024 · 5 minute read

For the first time ever, the three highest-scoring champions from Season 38 competed against each other on Jeopardy!. However, it was not a regular game but a non-elimination exhibition match before the semi-finals.

Tournament of Champions (ToC) 2022’s latest episode, which aired on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, featured:

Tuesday’s episode was just a warm-up game for the three semi-finalists. The network didn’t schedule a semi-final episode due to mid-term elections in the US. However, fans rejoiced to see three familiar faces competing against each other in the November 8 episode.

Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Mattea Roach

24-year-old Mattea Roach played wonderfully against Amy Schneider (43) and Matt Amodio (31) in the November 8 episode.

The categories for the first round included “Election Day, Hits Of 2002, Lesser-Known Geography, You Sit On It, Number Please, Remembering Alex Trebek.”

As there was no prize money involved in Tuesday’s episode, the players didn’t hold back from guessing the answers. This resulted in several incorrect responses and low scores. Amy gave 10 correct and three incorrect answers, banking $3,800. Matt was just behind Amy with a score of $3,400, while Mattea scored $2,800.

In the second round, the categories were "Hope You Read Middlemarch, We’ll Always Have The Treaty Of Paris, Movie Quotes, Potpourri, Rhymes With A Snow White Dwarf, Wrong But Excellent.”

Although the players were earning points, those scores would not be added to their semi-final total. It seemed like the burden of not winning points made today’s players carefree, leading to a lot of incorrect answers. In the Double Jeopardy round, Matt (31 wins) gave 10 wrong answers in total, scoring $3,600. Amy was in second place with a $7,400 score, while Mattea took the lead with her score at $17,600.

The Final Jeopardy round was not a very interesting game. Only Mattea gave the correct answer to the final question, while Amy and Matt delivered half the answers.

Hence, Mattea Roach won Jeopardy! today.

Mattea Roach: Tonight's winner (Image via @Jeopardy/Twitter)

Final Jeopardy! results today

The category for the final round of the November 8 episode was “Chemical Element Names,” and the final clue read:

“The 3 elements whose names begin with 2 vowels are iodine & these 2, one synthetic & one natural.”

The correct answer to the final question was “Einsteinium and Europium.”

Mattea gave the correct answer, while Amy guessed Europium right and half of Matt’s answer turned out to be correct. To note, half answers didn’t earn the players any points.

Take a look at the final results of the November 8 episode:

Mattea Roach: $17,600 + $0 = $17,600 (What are Europium + Einsteinium)

Matt Amodio: $3,600 – $0 = $3,600 (What einsteinium, eulerium?)

Amy Schneider: $7,400 – $6,496 = $904 (What are Europium and)

Today’s game was an exhibition match, therefore winning or losing didn’t matter. The results wouldn’t affect the players’ semi-finals scores. The three champions will now appear in the semi-finals on three separate days. They will compete against the winners from the 2022 Tournament of Champions quarter-finals.

In the semi-finals, the winners from each team will then proceed to the finals, where the ToC champion will receive $2,50,000. All the episodes will be hosted by Ken Jennings, who was once a Jeopardy! champion.

The next episode, which will be the first round of the semi-finals, will air on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.

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