Where is Michelle Paet now? Nathan Paet's wife & murderer's status as of today

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The upcoming episode of Dateline NBC on November 16, 2023, is set to take viewers through the grizzly murder of Nathan Paet, who was killed by Michelle Paet, his wife, who plotted to kill her husband with her co-worker Michael Rodriguez and alleged gunman, Corry Hawkins. Corry's girlfriend, Jessica Austin, was also allegedly involved in the murder of the US Air Force sergeant.

Nathan Paet was reportedly shot to death in his garage in the 9200 block of Alta Monte Court, near Mountain’s Edge Parkway and Durango Drive in the southwest Las Vegas Valley. When responders first arrived and took Nathan to the University Medical Center, he was pronounced dead.

What unfolded over the next few days was nothing short of horrific as a full-blown conspiracy came to light, with Michelle Paet and her extra-marital affair at the center of the brutal murder.

After the investigation and interrogation confirmed it, Michelle pleaded guilty to murdering Nathan in October 2015 to avoid being sentenced to death. She was sentenced to life imprisonment, which she is still serving at the Nevada Department of Corrections.

The upcoming episode of Dateline NBC will cover this case in detail.

Why did Nathan Paet's wife murder him?

A still of Paet (Image via Cinemaholic)

One of the biggest questions that surfaced soon after Nathan was found dead in his garage was how he was murdered and who was involved in it. As the investigation slowly shed light, the Paet family was crumbling from the inside because of Michelle Paet's affair with her co-worker.

This did come as a shock because Nathan and Michelle had a long-drawn relationship and had four kids between them. Their relationship and marriage seemed spotless from the outside.

Michael, a previously convicted felon for forgery, shared an intimate and passionate relationship with Michelle, and the two soon began to dream of ways to get rid of Nathan Paet for once and all. Over time, the two chalked up an elaborate plan to get rid of Nathan Paet, which also involved a large sum of money through Nathan’s military profession and life insurance policy.

This was reportedly confirmed later when text messages exchanged between Michelle and Michael were revealed.

Since they could not fire the shots, Michelle and Michael hired Corey, who allegedly shot Nathan five times. Though Corey and Michael tried to shield their respective involvements, Michelle Paet confessed to the police about her involvement in Nathan Paet’s murder as soon as the police closed in on her.

Corey Hawkins was also sentenced to life imprisonment after the investigation concluded.

Where was Nathan Paet's funeral held?

All four people involved in Nathan's murder (Image via CInemaholic)

Nathan Paet, who was a U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant, was laid to rest at St. Francis Catholic Church in Yona after being shot to death in his garage. His December 2010 death was premeditated, and the people involved in the crime were all apprehended and punished.

This remains one of the most shocking cases in Las Vegas.

How long were Nathan and Michelle married?

Nathan and Michelle Paet (Image via Myspace)

Nathan Paet and Michelle Paet were childhood sweethearts whose relationship stemmed from when they grew up together on the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean. Nathan joined the US Air Force and had a decorated career in the field. He married Michelle in 2006 but shared four kids with her, aged two to nine.

Their marriage lasted only four years as Michelle plotted and killed her husband in 2010.

The upcoming episode of Dateline NBC will cover this case in much more detail. Stay tuned for more updates.

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