What happened to Venisa McLaughlin? Former Texas attorney found dead on New Years Day as husband

April 2024 · 5 minute read

Former Texas prosecutor Venisa McLaughlin was allegedly murdered by her husband Jeffrey Bryan McLaughlin on January 1, 2023. 58-year-old Jeffrey has been arrested and faces charges of first-degree murder of his wife Venisa.

The Hood County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed the arrest and charges against the husband of 58-year-old Venisa. The former attorney reportedly used to handle cases of domestic violence. According to officials, Venisa McLaughlin worked as an assistant attorney for Hood County from 2017 until last year. After quitting, she joined Pecan Financial Services, where she assisted clients regarding estate planning.

Not many details regarding the case have been released since it is an ongoing investigation. Jeffrey is currently being held on a bond of $250,000 in the Hood County Jail.

Venisa McLaughlin was rushed to Lake Granbury Medical Center on the day of her death

The new year began with terror for former Texas attorney Venisa McLaughlin, who was allegedly killed by her husband. Venisa served in the office of Hood County and would provide protective orders against alleged offenders in domestic violence cases. The same has been confirmed by Hood County Attorney Matt Mills.

Police confirmed that the couple was living on Westover Drive in Pecan Plantation. They arrested Jeffrey shortly before 2 pm on Sunday. After the tragic incident, police released a statement saying:

“On Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023, at about 3:21 a.m., [the] Hood County Sheriff's Office responded to a residence in about the 6100 block of Westover Drive, Granbury, Hood County, Texas, regarding an assault with mentions of a person possibly being deceased on scene.”

According to law enforcement officials, both Jeffrey and Venisa McLaughlin were taken to Lake Granbury Medical Center. Shortly after, the former attorney was declared dead.

Matt Mills posted a statement about the tragic death on Facebook. He described Venisa’s demise as “heartbreaking.”

Mills further stated:

“She served our office for over five years, and she helped us through some trying times at the start of my first term. She also helped tremendously in my re-election campaign in 2020. Our prayers are with her two daughters and the rest of her family.”

While talking to Fox News, Mills mentioned that Venisa had left the firm on friendly terms. He further added that her demise was a great loss for the office, even though she was no longer working there.

Journalist Kathy Cruz spoke about Mills’ statement and said:

“He said that in addition to working protective order cases, she [Venisa McLaughlin] handled justice of the peace courts, mental commitments, and various other duties.”

Venisa McLaughlin has left behind two young daughters

In a recent Facebook post uploaded by Venisa McLaughlin, she mentioned that one of her daughters named Cecily had graduated from law school.

She wrote:

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We now have two lawyers in the family! So, so proud of my girl.”

Venisa also has another daughter and both youngsters are in their early 20s.

According to her LinkedIn profile, former attorney Venisa McLaughlin graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1993 and then earned her Juris Doctor from Texas A&M University in 2003.

As mentioned before, Jeffrey was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. He has been held at the Hood County Jail since Sunday.

Venisa’s current workplace Pecan Financial Services, also released a statement and mourned the loss of the former attorney. The statement read:

“Our office will be closed the next day or so as we mourn the loss of Venisa McLaughlin, who was an important part of our operations and an asset to our community and all who knew her. We ask that you keep her family in your prayers as things are sorted out.”

Venisa has been considered a very efficient employee both in her previous workplace and where she worked during her tragic demise. Facebook posts have also revealed the involvement of the former prosecutor in several fundraisers. She reportedly still had a license to practice law in Texas.

Hood County Sheriff Roger Deeds spoke to Law&Crime and said that they will release further information after investigating all areas related to the case. It was not immediately clear whether Venisa’s husband had a legal representative on his behalf.

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