What happened to Luther couple Ronald and Valerie Kay Wilkson?

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Elderly couple Ronald and Valerie Kay Wilkson from the town of Luther, Oklahoma, were murdered in broad daylight by Michael Vance, a fugitive who was also the victims' distant relative. The tragic case will be covered in detail in the upcoming episode of ID's American Monster.

Ronald was a retired truck driver and mechanic who never liked to sit idle. He used to do yard work in his spare time. His wife Valerie Kay Wilkson, who once owned a diner and used to call customers “honey” and “baby,” served delicious desserts.

The deceased were aged 55 and 54 respectively at the time of their deaths and always wanted to be together in life and in death.

Disclaimer: This article contains details of murder and violence. Reader discretion is advised.

Ronald and Valerie Kay Wilkson were married for four decades

On October 23, 2016, Michael Vance, who recently got out of jail, acquired a gun and began his killing spree by first shooting two Wellston police officers. He then stole a cruiser and switched cars at a trailer park on Route 66 and while doing so, shot another woman.

The accused then drove the car to the elderly couple's house and horrifically killed them. Ronald was shot and stabbed multiple times. The stab wounds on his neck left authorities convinced that Michael wanted to behead him. Similar wounds were found on Valerie's neck, along with defensive wounds on her arms.

Ronald and Valerie Kay Wilkson (Image via CNN)

Several family members tried to contact the victims on their phones but there was no response. Out of everybody Michael shot, only the couple, who were second cousins to the killer, lost their lives. Even though many years have passed, Ronald and Valerie's family's physical and emotional scars will never heal.

In 2019, the victims' daughter, Evelyn, allowed The Luther Register to publish her journal about the incident. She stated that she now plans to watch the upcoming episode of American Monster in private and despite knowing that she will be moved to tears, Evelyn hopes to get some answers to her questions. She added:

"I hope we get the truth to where everybody could know what really happened that day, not just to my family but the numerous other people shot by Michael Vance. This goes beyond my family, the community and everybody has the right to know what really happened."
The Wilksons are buried at Luther Cemetery (Image via The Luther Register)

Evelyn wasn't aware of how American Monster discovered the tragic story, but earlier in September, she along with her sister and aunt agreed to sit down for interviews. She added:

"It was very very emotional. I sat in this chair, the most uncomfortable chair ever, for five hours and they had me watch our home videos and explain them. I think I made it through two before being in tears. To sit there and go through all of your childhood memories with all of the trauma of not having them here anymore …"

She continued:

“They had a good life and everything. The ending is something you wouldn’t think would ever happen. It’s something out of a horror story.”

Ronald, known as Ron to his loved ones, met Evelyn Ray Wilkson in high school in Wellston, a town east of Luther. Before getting romantically involved, they had dated one of each other’s friends. The couple married in 1979 and raised their children with family and religious values.

Rev. Lane Buckley, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Wellston, where the couple were regulars, stated:

"They taught their kids how to work."

At the time of their death, Ronald and Valerie Ray Wilkson had 23 grandchildren and were leading normal happy retirement lives.

Learn more about this tragic case in detail in American Monster season 8 episode 8, airing on January 1, at 9.00 pm on ID.

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