Takemichi and Mikey form a new Toman as many beloved characters return

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 is the penultimate chapter of the series, and fans eagerly waited for it to bring about a happy ending since chapter 276 hinted at a total reset of the timelines. Today’s spoilers not only elaborated on this new timeline but also featured the altered lives of several fan-favorite characters.

Given readers’ reactions to the previous chapter, Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 is also bound to displease a lot of fans. However, mangaka Wakui seems to have aimed for an overall positive conclusion for his series, and every reader is likely to prefer their favorite character alive over any other loss or misplacement of relationships.

Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 spoilers hint at a long-awaited happy ending as a new timeline emerges

According to the raw scans, Mikey and Takemichi realize that they have both traveled back in time. Takemichi dubs it a miracle, and the two boys rush through the streets to celebrate the return of their loved ones as Shinichiro, Baji, Sanzu, and Emma look on in confusion. Later, while they watch over the city from a rooftop, Mikey asks Takemichi about the future. The latter replies that his goal was to save Mikey, and therefore he did not think ahead. However, he is not worried since his friend is here.

Based on the spoilers, Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 then goes through several defining moments. Takemichi is now one of the founding members of Toman, and he brings Kisaki in as his friend. Haruchiyo is also there since he never fell out with Mikey and, as such, has no scars. Shinichiro lives, and Kazutora and Baji never go to prison for his murder. The Black Dragons under Taiju’s rule join Toman, as does Tenjiku under Izana.

Mikey and Draken in the previous timeline (Image via Ken Wakui/Kodansha)

After defeating and assimilating all of their previous adversaries, Mikey and Takemichi look at the sunset, much like Mikey once did with Draken. The new Tokyo Manji Kai gathers at their Shrine for another meeting, where the chapter introduces the key members. Amidst the victorious cries of Toman members, the chapter skips forward 11 years. The last page of Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 takes the readers to a church on July 3, 2017.

Toman’s new formation

The formation of the new Toman, as seen in Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 raw scans goes as follows:

President – Mikey, Acting President (Shouchou Dairi) – Takemichi Hanagaki, Vice President – Draken

Special Division (Sanbou) – Tetta Kisaki and Shuuji Hanma

1st Division Captain – Keisuke Baji, Vice-Captain – Chifuyu Matsuno

2nd Division Captain – Takashi Mitsuya, Vice-Captain – Hakkai Shiba

3rd Division Captain – Pah-Chin, Vice-Captain – Peh-Yan

4th Division Captain – Kazutora Hanemiya

5th Division Captain – Haruchiyo Sanzu, Vice-Captain – Senju Kawaragi

6th Division Captain – Smiley, Vice-Captain – Angry

7th Division Captain – Taiju Shiba, Vice-Captains – Hajime Kokonoi and Seishu Inui, notable members – presumably the former members of Black Dragons (10th Generation)

8th Division Captain – Izana Kurokawa, Vice-Captain – Kakucho, notable members – Haitani Brothers, Kanji Mochizuki, Yasuhiro Muto, Shion Madarame, and presumably the rest of Tenjiku


Mikey finally saves Izana (Image via Ken Wakui/Kodansha)

Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 does not give any explanation of how Takemichi and Mikey both traveled back in time beyond calling it a miracle. From the raw scans, it is clear that the chapter doesn’t depict how Mikey and Takemichi saved their friends either, but readers can make an educated guess regarding the latter issue. Shinichiro’s death was likely prevented by Kazutora not being influenced by the Dark Impulses.

Considering that the reason for Haruchiyo and Senju denouncing their family name was never explicitly revealed, it is curious to see them both adopting new last names (Sanzu and Kawaragi, respectively). While Emma and Yuzuha are both mentioned, Akane Inui is nowhere to be seen. Given that both Koko and Inupi joined the Back Dragons, and later Toman, it is unclear whether Takemichi manages to prevent Akane’s death.

The last page of Tokyo Revengers chapter 277 likely sets up Takemichi and Hinata’s wedding. Hina was surprisingly absent in the spoilers, and with Kisaki in the fold, it is difficult to guess whether her and Takemichi’s relationship remains the same in this new timeline. Another glaring absence was that of the Mizo Middle Five. Hopefully, the official translation will offer readers more insights into these issues.

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