Should you choose Red Truth or Blue Lie?

June 2024 · 4 minute read

There are many side quests and main missions to complete as you explore more areas in Honkai Star Rail. While most of these are straightforward and easy to finish, a few have put many community members in a dilemma about what they should do next. One such mission is called “To the Faint Star,” which you are assigned by an NPC called Rocky.

He has been waiting for a reply from his crush Lesley, and as you progress through the quest, you will come across a choice to either select the “Red Truth” or the “Blue Lie.”

This choice confuses players, and many want to know the outcome of choosing either of them. Hence, this guide will go over the “Red Truth” and the “Blue Lie” choices in Honkai Star Rail’s “To the Faint Stars” quest and which one you should be picking.

Completing “To the Faint Star” in Honkai Star Rail

The “To the Faint Star” questline will be available at Trailblaze level 13. You will receive then a text from Rocky, who seems to be under the misconception that you are Lesley. By interacting with him, you will automatically start the quest, and after completing a set of tasks, you will finally have the choice to pick between the “Red Truth” or the “Blue Lie” to round out the quest.

1) Picking “Red Truth” in Honkai Star Rails “To the Faint Star”

If you pick the “Red Truth” option for the mission, Rocky will be led to confess his true feelings for Lesley. He will become incredibly happy and vow his never-ending love for her. However, this will also make him leave his post at the Department of Galactic Geography at Herta Space Station.

But it will help him reunite with Lesley, and it turns out to be a happy ending for him story.

2) Picking the “Blue Lie” in Honkai Star Rails “To the Faint Star”

If you pick the “Blue Lie” option, you will be crushing Rocky’s hopes for love, and he will not be able to reunite with Leslie in this version. However, many find it to be the more practical choice, as by selecting this option, you will not be forcing Rocky to abandon his post. He will eventually return to work at the Station afterwards.

Which choice should you pick in Honkai Star Rails “To the Faint Star”?

Irrespective of the choice that you are making, the rewards that you will get for completing the mission remain the same. It will not impact the proceedings of the game or the narrative.

This is more of an engaging side quest that looks to get you more involved in world-building. It’s up to you to play romantic or go for a more practical approach.

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