Ric Flair says WWE legend The Ultimate Warrior "absolutely" took steroids

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

WWE legend Ric Flair says he's never taken steroids in his life but said that The Ultimate Warrior did take steroids.

WWE was enveloped in a scandal involving steroids in the 90s, when it was alleged that a ringside doctor had supplied steroids to wrestlers and Vince McMahon. The doctor, Dr George Zahorian, was given a three-year prison sentence, while the company tightened its drug policy.

On his To Be The Man podcast, Ric Flair discussed his first run in the company in 1991, and the impact the steroid scandal had on the company.

"I never thought of Kevin Nash being associated with steroids at all. Ultimate Warrior, obviously. I don't even need to mention their names, you know who they are [steroid users]. And that's not even... that's not even stuff I like to comment on. But, I mean, that was just a way of life, not just in wrestling, it was a way of life in sports. Everybody was looking for the advantage, and for us - I don't look at it so much as it enhanced anybody's skill, it just gave everybody an edge in their appearance," said Flair. [From 29:48 to 30:35]

Flair said that he's never "looked good" indicating that he's never indulged in steroids in his pro wrestling career.

Several WWE stars reportedly did steroids

Former WWE Superstar The Mountie, aka Jacques Rougeau, revealed in an interview that there were only a handful of Superstars who didn't take steroids during his run with the company.

"I could count on my hand, maybe two if I'm lucky, the guys that weren't on steroids. Everybody was on steroids, everybody but I can think of few," said the Canadian star.

He said that the British Bulldogs, the tag team of Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid, were on steroids during his time with WWE in the 80s.

If you use any of the above quotes, please credit To Be The Man and H/T Sportskeeda for the transcription.

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