Prince of Pegging hashtag explained as viral trend sparks hilarious memefest on Twitter

April 2024 · 5 minute read

On Thursday, July 28, the internet exploded with search queries about a s*xual act that stemmed from the hashtag “Prince of Pegging” that trended on Twitter. According to the rumor, a senior male member of the royal family has been alleged of an extramarital affair due to the lack of certain intimate activity in that individual’s marital life.

While the original post on DeuxMoi’s celebrity gossip Instagram page was anonymous and did not mention the identity of the royal member, it is unclear as to who was the first to associate the rumor with Prince William. However, it seems that a legion of social media posts by netizens claimed that the rumored member of the Royal family mentioned in the post by DeuxMoi was none other than the Duke of Cambridge.

The anonymous claim about the Royal (Image via deuxmoi/Instagram)

Despite the massive interest behind the post, this type of risque rumor cannot be confirmed by any publicly accessible means. Numerous users on social media have also expressed their confusion over the origin of this rumor and the trending hashtag.

What did the anonymous post on DeuxMoi claim? Origin of the hashtag “Prince of Pegging” explained

It appears that a recent anonymous submission on DeuxMoi’s website was the primary source of the aforementioned rumor surrounding Prince William. The anonymous post was seemingly uploaded by DeuxMoi on their Instagram page.

The post showcased that it was submitted via their online form by an individual with the pseudonym Gardening Time. It read:

“This is so salacious I’m almost too shook to share with you (But will anyway). This British Royal extramarital affair is an open secret in London and amongst the English aristo set, and is the talk of every party, I was told the real reason for affair was the royal’s love of pegging, which the wife is far too old-fashioned to engage in. The wife doesn’t mind her and in fact, prefer her husband getting his s*xual needs fulfilled elsewhere, as long as things don’t become emotional, which was the case with the last woman.”

Following the post’s popularity on Twitter, many believed that the rumor was essentially about Prince Williams, as the anonymous claim mentioned that the Royal member was involved in an extramarital affair. This conclusion was likely drawn from the previous allegations of affairs against the 40-year-old grandson of Queen Elizabeth II in 2019.

It seems that some also tried to link Kate Middleton to the mention of the Royal wife in the post, which stated that the spouse of the individual was "too old-fashioned" to engage in the activity. It is still unknown what prompted netizens to associate the Duchess of Cambridge with that aspect.

Netizens react to “Prince of Pegging” hashtag

Following the popularity of this hashtag online, a massive number of tweets were shared on the platform. These tweets, which included memes and mockery-based opinions, were mostly targeted toward Prince William.

According to Twitter’s analytics, the “Prince of Pegging” hashtag has over 30,000 tweets under it in the United Kingdom region. Meanwhile, #princewilliamaffair has garnered over 10,000 tweets. For the latter hashtag, there has been a significant boost in its usage since 2019, when the initial allegations of the affair were published.

While the origin of the “Prince of Pegging” hashtag is DeuxMoi’s blind submission by an anonymous user, the claim is likely false. Due to the nature of such an intimate allegation, the claim's popularity has skyrocketed.

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