Modern Warfare 2 campaign guide: How to complete Mission 10

May 2024 ยท 7 minute read

The tenth campaign mission in Modern Warfare 2 brings back Farah and Nikolai to team up with Captain Price and Gaz as they travel to Urzikstan for a potential lead on Hassan. After the events of the previous mission where Price and Gaz infiltrated a cartel smuggling operation off the coast of Spain in search of enemy missiles, they now have to save Laswell who is now captured by AQ.

During the mission, players will play as Gaz in Urzikstan and will have weapons Kastov 762 assault rifle and X12 pistol in their loadout. The former will have a long range scope attached as the mission will require players in certain instances to fire at enemies long range.

Moreover, the mission takes place on the move, which means it involves the player neutralizing enemies while driving the vehicle, being in the passenger seat or even hanging upside down from a helicopter rappel.

For a complete walkthrough of the previous Modern Warfare 2 mission "Recon by Fire," click here.

Disclaimer: The following section may contain spoilers for the Modern Warfare 2 Campaign

What are the rewards for completing "Violence and Timing" in Modern Warfare 2?

In this mission of the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, Price and Gaz enlist some old friends (Farah and Nikolai) to help rescue Laswell from AQ in the middle of Urzikstan. During the first part of this mission, you will be inside a chopper as Gaz and your objective will be to provide aerial support to Farah's team on the ground.

Use your scoped Kastov rifle to neutralize any enemies in sight. You can also take cover inside the helicopter to recover your health and resupply your ammo with a backpack next to you.

However, several enemies will be heavily armored, so aim for the head and do it fast, as they usually have a missile launcher that can take down the helicopter. Even after several attempts, as part of the story, a missile will hit the helicopter, making you fall and hang upside down from a rope.

Hanging upside down in a helicopter (Image via Activision)

While hanging upside down, you will need to use your X12 pistol to neutralize any threats shooting at you. After some time, you will be given the option to cut the rope to free yourself while a truck goes under you. Here, you need to time your cut as you need to land on top of the truck. Do it quickly to avoid death.

Now that you are on top of a cargo truck, neutralize the enemies on the truck to your right and jump on it to hijack the vehicle. Make sure to time your jump carefully or it can result in death. After you take control of the vehicle, find a balance between driving to the front of the convoy and killing enemies while leaning out of the window.

Drive as fast as you can to keep moving forwards, and when you have enough momentum, find a window and lean out to shoot enemies nearby. However, the vehicle you're in takes critical damage from the incoming fire, you will need to hijack another vehicle instantly before the one you're in explodes and results in your death.

Avoid land mines in your way (Image via Activision)

However, a smarter way to survive is to change the vehicle as soon as the "vehicle's health" gets to 50%. When hijacking new vehicles, aim for smaller ones like pick-up trucks as they move faster than the bigger ones.

The remainder of the Modern Warfare 2 mission involves a combination of shooting enemies and hijacking vehicles to get closer to Laswell's position. However, at times, a truck will leave land mines that you need to avoid enemies throwing them at you and eliminate them.

Sometimes you will need to do other things like jumping into the vehicle that Price is in or using a grenade launcher to kill nearby enemies.

Board the APC shooting at you (Image via Activision)

While this chase is underway, you will encounter an APC vehicle with enemies that shoot at you and leave land mines in your way. To neutralize this threat, move out of the way of the laser coming out of the APC that might kill you and avoid driving over the mines.

You will need to do this until you get closer to the vehicle. Afterwards, you will need to jump into it, kill the enemy that comes out of the hatch above and plant a charge.

Rescue Laswell from the black truck (Image via Activision)

As soon as you do that, you need to return to the truck that Price is in. When the vehicle stops, get down and neutralize any enemies in the area. Once the area is secure, walk over to the black truck to interact with the door and rescue Laswell and end the Modern Warfare 2 mission.

Players will receive a skin as reward on completing the mission

By completing the tenth mission, players will get their hands on a Nova Operator skin for use in Multiplayer modes and Warzone 2.0. This can be used across several Call of Duty modes, thanks to the cross progression in Modern Warfare 2.

It covers the tenth mission, "Violence and Timing," and takes players on an exciting vehicular combat experience that demands quick thinking and action and gives them an adrenaline rush with its intensity.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now live on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox with pre-access rewards granted to players who pre-ordered the game.

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