Iconic American Psycho Movie Quotes Revealed

May 2024 · 11 minute read

Did you know that American Psycho, the psychological thriller directed by Mary Harron, has left an indelible impact on cinema? With its chilling portrayal of the disturbed protagonist, Patrick Bateman, the film has become a cult classic, captivating audiences with its dark and twisted narrative. One of the elements that make American Psycho so unforgettable is the collection of iconic quotes that pervade the movie, offering glimpses into Bateman’s disturbed mind and the depths of his depravity.

Key Takeaways:

“There Is An Idea Of Patrick Bateman.”

In one of the most iconic quotes from American Psycho, Patrick Bateman introduces himself as a meticulously constructed persona. He acknowledges that there is an “idea” of him, a façade that he presents to the world, while the true Patrick Bateman lurks beneath the surface. This quote sets the tone for the movie and incorporates the central theme of identity and perception.

“There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.”

This quote encapsulates the duality of Patrick Bateman’s character, the disconnect between his outward appearance and his inner thoughts and desires. It exemplifies the complex nature of his persona and raises questions about authenticity and the masks we wear in society.

Throughout the movie, American Psycho delivers a chilling exploration of human depravity, mirroring the dark side that exists within all of us. Bateman’s quotes have become engrained in popular culture, forever etching his name among the most legendary characters in film history. From his introspective monologues to his sinister threats, these quotes continue to captivate audiences and leave an indelible mark on the psychological thriller genre.

“You Like Huey Lewis And The News?”

One of the most memorable and disturbing scenes in American Psycho is when Patrick Bateman engages in a conversation about music before committing a murder. As he discusses Huey Lewis and the News, his words create a stark contrast between the banality of the topic and the brutality of his actions. This quote exemplifies the unsettling nature of Patrick Bateman’s psyche.

“Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.”

– Patrick Bateman

Patrick Bateman’s Disturbing Conversation

In this scene, Patrick Bateman, portrayed by Christian Bale, invites Paul Allen, played by Jared Leto, to his apartment under the pretense of discussing music. As Bateman speaks passionately about Huey Lewis and the News, his calm demeanor masks his violent intentions. The juxtaposition between his affable conversation and his impending murder showcases the sinister depths of Bateman’s twisted mind.

Bateman’s fixation on seemingly trivial topics is a recurring theme throughout the film. It highlights the unsettling nature of his character, as he seamlessly transitions from mundane discussions to sadistic acts. This quote serves as a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurks within Bateman’s facade.

Comparison of Patrick Bateman’s Persona and Actions

Sophisticated, educatedCommits heinous acts of violence
Charismatic, well-spokenMurders without remorse
Engages in polite conversationTortures and dismembers victims
Fashionable, well-groomedLeads a double life as a sadistic killer

This table demonstrates the stark contrast between Patrick Bateman’s outward appearance and his horrifying actions. While he presents himself as a cultured and successful individual, his true nature is revealed through his brutal acts of violence. The contrast depicted in this table emphasizes the disturbing duality of Bateman’s character.

As the movie progresses, Bateman’s quotes continue to unsettle audiences, leaving a lasting impact long after the credits roll. Stay tuned for more iconic quotes and moments from American Psycho.

“Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card.”

In the cult classic film American Psycho, one of the most memorable scenes involves Patrick Bateman and his colleagues comparing their meticulously designed business cards. This moment perfectly encapsulates Bateman’s obsession with material possessions and the shallow nature of his world. Discussing the design and quality of their cards, Bateman delivers the line, “Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card.”

“Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card.”

The quote highlights Bateman’s superficiality and his relentless pursuit of status and appearance. The business card scene has become an iconic representation of Bateman’s shallow preoccupations, capturing the essence of the film and the dark satire it presents.

The image above adds a visual element to the discussion, depicting a still from the film where Bateman examines a business card. It serves as a reminder of the intense scrutiny Bateman and his colleagues place on seemingly trivial details, further emphasizing the quote’s significance.

Key ThemesKey Quotes
Superficiality and Materialism“Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card.”
Obsession with Status“Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card.”
Comparison and Competition“Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card.”

The table above summarizes the key themes associated with this quote, highlighting Bateman’s superficiality, obsession with status, and the culture of comparison and competition that pervades his world.

  • Superficiality and Materialism
  • Obsession with Status
  • Comparison and Competition
  • This quote resonates with audiences because it serves as a powerful critique of a society that values appearances over substance. It demonstrates Bateman’s shallow nature and his fixation on external trappings, ultimately contributing to the film’s dark and unsettling atmosphere.

    “I Want To Stab You To Death And Play Around With Your Blood.”

    As the movie progresses, it becomes evident that Patrick Bateman is not just an ordinary individual. His dark and murderous desires are unveiled, painting a grim picture of his true nature. In one chilling scene, he casually utters the words, “I want to stab you to death and play around with your blood,” to a bartender. The nonchalant manner in which he expresses his violent fantasies is deeply disturbing, offering a glimpse into the depths of his depravity and the horrifying violence that lurks within.

    “I want to stab you to death and play around with your blood.”

    This memorable quote is a stark reminder of the twisted and deranged mind of Patrick Bateman. It showcases his complete detachment from empathy and a disregard for human life. The unsettling nature of this quote reflects the dark and disturbing atmosphere of American Psycho, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

    The Depths of Depravity

    This quote is a haunting reminder of the depths of Bateman’s depravity. It serves as a chilling testament to the extent of his violent tendencies and the gruesome fantasies that consume his mind. The quote’s shocking nature emphasizes the disturbing nature of American Psycho and contributes to its status as a psychological thriller that never fails to unsettle its audience.

    The inclusion of this quote in American Psycho underscores the film’s exploration of the dark recesses of the human psyche and raises profound questions about the nature of evil and the fragility of sanity.

    “Hey Paul! Try Getting A Reservation At Dorsia Now!”

    In American Psycho, Patrick Bateman delivers a taunting line that showcases his dark sense of humor and sadistic nature. After brutally murdering his colleague Paul Allen, Bateman revels in provoking him with the torment of an impossible reservation at the exclusive restaurant, Dorsia. This quote perfectly exemplifies Bateman’s twisted enjoyment in inflicting pain on others.

    “Hey Paul! Try Getting A Reservation At Dorsia Now!”

    As Bateman utters these words, we witness his unforgiving nature and the embodiment of his psychopathic tendencies. The irony of his taunt, directed at a lifeless body, adds an unsettling layer to the overall tone of the film.

    Pervasive Sadism and Power Dynamics

    This quote encapsulates the overarching themes of power dynamics and sadism that run throughout American Psycho. Bateman’s enjoyment in tormenting Paul Allen, even after his death, demonstrates his need for control and dominance. This scene highlights the psychological manipulation and cruelty that Bateman embodies, making it one of the most memorable moments in the movie.

    Impact and Cultural Significance

    The line “Hey Paul! Try Getting A Reservation At Dorsia Now!” has become an iconic and frequently quoted phrase from American Psycho. It has come to represent Bateman’s vindictive nature and his twisted sense of satisfaction in exerting power over others. This quote has permeated popular culture, demonstrating the lasting impact and influence of the film.

    As American Psycho continues to captivate audiences, this darkly humorous line serves as a reminder of the chilling depths that Patrick Bateman’s character reaches, leaving an indelible mark on the psychological thriller genre.

    “Oh My God, It Even Has A Watermark.”

    In another iconic moment from American Psycho, Patrick Bateman becomes obsessed with a colleague’s business card, particularly fixating on the presence of a watermark. This quote highlights Bateman’s extreme attention to detail and his obsession with superficial status symbols. It showcases the absurdity and shallowness of his character.

    “Oh my God, it even has a watermark.”

    Patrick Bateman’s reaction to the watermark on his colleague’s business card perfectly encapsulates his fixation on appearances. This quote emphasizes his meticulousness and obsession with the small details that define his social status. It underscores the shallow nature of Bateman’s character and his preoccupation with materialistic validation.

    The business card scene in American Psycho is a satirical commentary on the superficiality of Bateman’s world. It highlights the value placed on external appearances and the obsession with status symbols. The presence of a simple watermark becomes a source of both envy and admiration for Bateman, underscoring his distorted priorities.


    Key PointsExplanation
    Bateman’s fixationHe becomes obsessed with a colleague’s business card.
    Attention to detailThe presence of a watermark captures Bateman’s meticulousness.
    Superficial status symbolsThe quote highlights Bateman’s obsession with appearances.

    “I’m Into Murders And Executions Mostly.”

    In one of the most chilling and memorable quotes from the cult classic film American Psycho, Patrick Bateman nonchalantly confesses his morbid fascination with murders and executions. This darkly humorous line provides a glimpse into the twisted psyche of Bateman, a character plagued by sadistic tendencies.

    “I’m into murders and executions mostly.”

    By openly admitting his attraction to violence, Bateman reveals the underlying darkness that propels his actions throughout the film. This quote encapsulates his obsession with inflicting pain and showcases the disturbing nature of his character.

    Throughout the movie, Patrick Bateman’s pathological desires and violent tendencies are juxtaposed with his superficial and materialistic lifestyle, making his quote all the more chilling. His casual acceptance of his own deranged inclinations amplifies the tension and horror of American Psycho.

    From his meticulously planned and executed murders to his sadistic fantasies, Bateman’s quote offers a haunting insight into the mind of a truly disturbed individual. It stands as one of the most memorable and impactful lines in the film, solidifying Patrick Bateman as an iconic and unforgettable character in the realm of psychological thrillers.

    Best Patrick Bateman Quotes:

    “My Pain Is Constant And Sharp, And I Do Not Wish For A Better World For Anyone.”

    In this intense and chilling quote from American Psycho, Patrick Bateman gives us a glimpse into the depths of his twisted psyche. With these words, he expresses his nihilistic worldview and the constant pain that consumes him. Bateman’s lack of empathy for others is starkly evident as he reveals his indifference to a better world.

    This memorable American Psycho quote showcases the darker aspects of Bateman’s character, highlighting his detachment from societal values and his profound disdain for the world around him. It serves as a chilling reminder of the unsettling nature of his thoughts and actions.

    Patrick Bateman’s words resonate with audiences, leaving a lasting impression long after the movie ends. This quote stands as a testament to the film’s ability to delve into the darkest corners of human psychology, leaving us questioning our own perceptions of reality and morality.


    What are some iconic quotes from the movie American Psycho?

    Some iconic quotes from American Psycho include “There Is An Idea Of Patrick Bateman,” “You Like Huey Lewis And The News?,” “Impressive, Very Nice. Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card,” “I Want To Stab You To Death And Play Around With Your Blood,” “Hey Paul! Try Getting A Reservation At Dorsia Now!,” “Oh My God, It Even Has A Watermark,” “I’m Into Murders And Executions Mostly,” and “My Pain Is Constant And Sharp, And I Do Not Wish For A Better World For Anyone.”
