How to use Diablo 4 aim assist on PC

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Aim assist as a feature has been limited to consoles for the most part. However, in Diablo 4, even PC players can utilize this feature. Not only does this make it easier for players to use their skills, but it also allows them to easily clear out large enemy groups. Considering that the game has a top-down view, aim assist could be useful for everyone.

When it comes to FPS games, aim assist has been looked down upon for a while now. Primarily because this gave console players an upper hand in fights with their PC counterparts. But the issue does not exist in Diablo 4.

Why do you need aim assist in Diablo 4?

Before going on to the above question, here's how you enable aim assist in Diablo 4.

Does aim assist improve your gameplay?

To a certain extent, enabling aim assist will improve your gameplay and movement. While it isn't as robust as the aim assist you will come across in shooters, it just gets the job done. When you've set the option to the settings mentioned above, you will find your skills to be a bit more effective than before.

For context, with aim assist in Diablo 4, all you need to do is launch the skills, and they'll automatically jump to one enemy after another. You must periodically trigger the skills, but you don't necessarily need to worry about aiming it at an enemy, as the game will do that for you.

This feature can be used to AFK farm XP or gold. However, no proper AFK farm has come to light at this point in time. Considering a new season is on the horizon, the new update could add some points of interest where you can AFK farm some XP without doing much.

While this feature works well for almost all PvE activities in the game, it's slightly unclear how it will function on the PvP side. The overall combat in the PvP zones, namely the Fields of Hatred, is very dynamic, so enabling aim assist while heading into these zones could be a boon and a curse at the same time.

Considering that players are still detecting how to play the game more effectively, it's only a matter of time before they develop different strategies to deal with the different aspects in Diablo 4.

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