How to easily defeat the Crocodile in One Piece Odyssey

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

One Piece Odyssey is up for grabs now, and fans of the popular manga series can't wait to relive the voyages of Luffy and his Straw Hat crew in a massive open-world setup of Waford Island.

The game features a turn-based combat system where players can interchange between various playable characters with unique abilities. This system is something players of the Pokemon series will instantly be able to relate to, as the type advantages in the battles matter a lot.

Like any other narrative-driven JRPG, the boss fights make the game truly come alive. One Piece Odyssey delivers extremely well here with intriguing encounters.

While players will initially find progressing the storyline easy, the Crocodile boss comes off as one of the biggest hurdles deeper in the storyline. So, this feature is about how to slay the Crocodile boss.

One Piece Odyssey Crocodile boss abilities and recommended battle characters

The Crocodile boss can be encountered in Alabasta, the biggest explorable zone that One Piece Odyssey has to offer. However, the area boasts only three major boss fights, the Crocodile boss being one of them.

The Crocodile was a pretty memorable villain in the anime. And in the game, players encounter him after playing through the storyline for approximately 20 hours or less. Crocodile is also one of the first major bosses in the game, which will give Luffy and his crew of Straw Hat Pirates a really tough time to overcome.

How to kill the Crocodile with ease in One Piece Odyssey?

The Crocodile in One Piece Odyssey has plenty of KO abilities up his sleeve, including Sables Storm, a powerful sand tornado, and Desert La Spada, wherein he hurls waves of sand. Another ability players need to be careful about is the deadly slash maneuver called Crescent Cutlass.

Going up against Crocodile, players can opt for a team of Luffy, Sanji, Tony Chopper, and Nami. One may bring in some members from the reserve crew as well.

However, it is wise to keep Tony Chopper and Sanji in the ranks all the time. The former's healing abilities become vital as the Crocodile deals a ton of area damage, especially with Desert La Spada.

While choosing Luffy to attack, stick to the Gum Gum Bullet move as it deals massive damage to Crocodile. The move has a recoil effect that deals a tiny amount of bleeding damage to Luffy, but it's worth the sacrifice because the more turns the battle rages on, the harder it gets to beat Crocodile. With Tony Chopper, deal as much as Cloven Roseo as possible on Crocodile. Sanji's Veau Shots and Nami's Cyclone Tempo deal a decent amount of damage to Crocodile.

Once the Crocodile is beaten, the second stage of the boss fight commences. He will be covered with a green lighting aura, and his fury strikes will be faster and more powerful. Now is the time to bring Zoro into the battle from reserve and use his powerful Lion Song ability. Nami's Cyclone Tempo is a good choice as well. Ultimately, the biggest savior in this particular round against Crocodile will be Luffy's Gum Gum Bullet.

Be prepared with plenty of healing abilities and revive at least a couple of crew members during this boss fight in One Piece Odyssey.

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