How to cook Shiny Electric Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The chances of coming across shiny Electric-types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are very low. Thankfully, Game Freak gave the Generation IX titles a new feature that makes it easier than ever for players to locate and capture shiny Pokemon. To maximize your chances of discovering and catching a shiny Electric-type Pokemon.

This article will go over the most optimal method for preparing a Shiny Electric Sandwich.

Cooking a Shiny Electric Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Shiny Iron Hands in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via TPC)

It has always been a flex to have strong pocket monsters that are also shiny, even if their shiny nature doesn't improve on their fighting skills. So, having a shiny Electric-type Pokemon is something to brag about to your friends even if they have the same creature with better stats on their team.

Electric types, much like Dragon types, are not extremely common, as each region only introduces a handful of them. Hence, it is quite difficult to bank on the general probability of a 1 in 4096 odds of running into a shiny Electric-type.

These chances can be improved with items like a Shiny Charm combined with a Sparkling Power Level 3 sandwich.

The majority of the components needed to make these sandwiches are readily available. Finding the rare Herba Mysticas, which are only available in Tera Raids at the 5 and 6-star levels, is the challenging part. Even within raids, finding the Herba Mysticas is uncertain, so you might need to slog through a number of raids to amass enough.

Ingredients needed to craft a Shiny Electric Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via TPC)

The following ingredients are needed to craft a Shiny Electric Sandwich:

There is also a pick needed to put the sandwiches together. The sandwich will give players both Sparkling and Encounter Level 3 boosts for Electric-type Pokemon for 30 minutes. These boosts mean your chances of encountering and capturing a shiny Electric-type increases by a substantial margin.

Steps to craft a Shiny Electric Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To make any shiny sandwich, follow the same steps. Once you have collected the necessary ingredients and a pick and entered a picnic, you must select the Sandwich menu. Press C to activate Creative Mode once you're inside.

Inside the Creative Mode, place the Yellow Bell Pepper on the bread followed by the Salty and Spicy Herba Mysticas as seasoning. Once done, place the top layer of the bread and seal things in place with the pick.

Make sure not to tip the sandwich over while completing the last steps as that will lead to the ingredients being wasted. To make sure you can go back to a saved state, make sure to turn off the Auto-save function.

You may also check out our other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coverage:

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