How old is Maddi Reese? Meet Southern Hospitality season 2 cast member

May 2024 · 5 minute read

As Republic Garden & Lounge's VIP manager, Maddi Reese, aged 26, is set to make a return in season 2 of Southern Hospitality. Viewers are eagerly anticipating the unfolding drama in her life that will be revealed in the upcoming season.

Most of the first season of Southern Hospitality was about Trevor and her relationship, and people warning her to stay away from him as he constantly kept cheating on her. Viewers are excited to see if this season will finally see an end to that drama.

Maddi Reese, one of Leva's closest friends, has been collaborating with her since the age of 20. Hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina, Maddi earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Communication from the College of Charleston, South Carolina, in 2009.

All about Maddi Reese and her career

Maddi Reese embarked on her culinary career at Rooster's Woodier Kitchen in Charlotte. Maddi Reese devoted more than three years to the restaurant. In 2017, the Southern Hospitality star underwent a noteworthy transition. She relocated to Charleston and took on a server role at O-Ku Sushi.

In 2018, Leva took Maddi under her wings when Maddi joined Bourbon N’ Bubbles. Maddi received a promotion within Bourbon N’ Bubbles but also transitioned to Republic Garden & Lounge, where she assumed the role of VIP Coordinator, according to her LinkedIn.

Currently, Maddi holds the DJ and VIP manager positions at the Republic and aspires to elevate her music career to new heights.

What is Maddi Reese bringing to Southern Hospitality season 2?

In an exclusive preview by ET of Southern Hospitality's upcoming episodes, VIP hostess Maddi confronts the reality of her relationship with a former co-worker, Trevor Stokes.

The small town is buzzing with discussions about Trevor's alleged infidelities, prompting co-stars Emmy Sharrett, Will Kulp, and Mia Alario to gather on FaceTime for a debrief on the drama.

Bradley Carter even warned Maddi Reese in a confessional that;

"He already publicly embarrassed you once, I don't see why he wouldn't do it again,"

During season 1, Maddi raised allegations against Bradley, claiming that he engaged in inappropriate behavior in the alleyway behind their bar with a woman who was not his girlfriend.

"She's dick-matized, for sure," Lucía Peña remarks to Mia, before Maddi tearfully confesses she "believed when he [Trevor] said he would never do it again."

In a subsequent encounter, Maddi directly confronts Trevor, expressing her frustration with him by accusing him of dishonesty. She passionately confronts him, seizing his phone and forcefully slamming it on the ground while exclaiming, "You liar!"

The preview then shifts to a face-to-face discussion between Maddi and the presumed other woman, escalating into a physical altercation. Maddi emotionally accuses her adversary, asserting,

"You f**ked my boyfriend, you're f**king trash!"

She was in a love triangle in the last season, revealing that Maddi was caught in a complex situation where she was pursued by two men.

Faced with a challenging choice, Maddi Reese had to weigh the option of risking a close friendship with her co-worker Joe for a romantic relationship or reopening the door to a potentially heartbreaking reconciliation with her unfaithful ex-boyfriend.

In choosing the latter, the season 2 Southern Hospitality promo suggests that her decision might not have been the right one. The promotional material is loaded with intense drama, and viewers eagerly anticipate the unfolding events, particularly in Maddi Reese's storyline.

Will she reach a definitive decision and end things for good with Trevor, or is there a possibility of her making the same choice once more? The audience is on the edge of their seats, waiting to see how the story unfolds.

Beyond her romantic entanglements, what contributions will Maddi make in her professional endeavors, particularly when there's someone poised to potentially take over her position at work?

Stay tuned for the upcoming premiere of Southern Hospitality season 2 to learn more about the drama that will ensue.

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