Former Oscar host and Hollywood accused of pedophilia for alleged Jeffrey Epstein connection by MMA

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Joel Bauman, an MMA fighter, called out Jimmy Kimmel and the entirety of the Hollywood industry following the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

'King Bau', who fought for LFA and Bellator, went viral last year when he called out Jimmy Kimmel for his suspected links with Jeffrey Epstein. While details surrounding the entire Epstein case came out to the public, a number of Hollywood stars and directors, as well as politicians were suspected to be involved with him. Bauman called for the flight logs for 'Epstein Island' to be released:

"Secondly, Jimmy Kimmel, viral this, I fight to eradicate childhood malnutrition from the planet. And until they release the flight logs, you, the mainstream media, Hollywood, are all pedophiles to me, eat d**k."

The video went viral recently as it resurfaced after Jimmy Kimmel shut down Aaron Rodgers' request to release the flight logs. Joel Bauman had raised the exact same issue. The Green Bay Packers legend recently stated in an interview that he wanted to see the client list and the flight logs from Epstein's Island. In response to the video, Kimmel responded by calling him a 'tin foil hatter'.

The response from Jimmy Kimmel got many fans and even fellow NFL players questioning the talk show host's involvement in the list since he has known Epstein's personal chef.

MMA fighter Joel Bauman makes shocking announcement post-fight

This was not the first time Joel Bauman has gone viral in a post-fight interview. The MMA fighter who has not racked up a lot of fights to his name, once announced that he had contracted Herpes. Following his TKO victory over Reese Forest at Fury 61 at the Bert Ogden arena in Texas, he spoke about an NFT that would change the fight game and made his shocking confession:

"Last fight I was tired, I was exhausted, I’m about to launch this NFT that’s going to change the fight game. And I put in thirty all-nighters before that fight, I had herpes before that fight, two outbreaks in the span of a week. I’m here, I’m healthy, let’s go, whatever. It doesn’t matter."

Joel Bauman blamed his loss in his previous fight to the STD, and also spoke about how he got tired very easily and was not focusing on his training and instead was out partying. The MMA fighter has not been able to train consistently, which is why he has so few fights to his name.

Take a look at the video:

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