Fans mercilessly roast Derrick Whites hairline after a rare photo of him without headband goes vi

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Wearing the headband has been a staple in Derrick White's in-game look whenever he suits up for the Boston Celtics. When fans saw a photo of him without one, they couldn't control themselves and had to share a laugh as they commented on his hairline.

Headbands help most NBA players hide their receding hairlines. One of the most notable players to do such a thing is LeBron James, who wore a headband from the start of his career until the 2014-15 season. Fans still roast him for not letting his hair go and just shaving his head like other great players.

Now, fans have found a new target, White, who recently went viral for his hairline. A photo of the 6-foot-4 defensive guard was posted, and fans were quick to point out his receding hairline.

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We've compiled some of the funniest reactions from fans, who went all out on White's hairline.

Fans went crazy over the photo of White and his hairline. Despite that, he's still having an incredible season for the Celtics. The 28-year-old guard has also improved his shot from long distance, making him a serious threat from deep.

Also read: Derrick White on what makes guarding Steph Curry a backbreaker task for players: “It’s just 48 minutes of, 'Where is Steph?'”

Derrick White is playing an enormous role for the Celtics to win the championship

OKC Thunder vs. Boston Celtics

One of the reasons the Celtics were successful last season was because of their tremendous defense. Derrick White contributed a lot to that, as he's always been one of the league's best perimeter defenders. This time around, it could be a similar case for their team's success.

He's one of their most reliable contributors this season, averaging 9.9 points, 3.0 rebounds and 3.1 assists while shooting 44.1%, including 38.2% from long distance. The former San Antonio Spurs player has worked on his shot from 3-point range and has become a threat from deep.

Back when he was with the Spurs, he wasn't a potential risk to hurt teams from outside the arc for his inconsistent shooting. But all that has changed as he has become a better 3-point shooter with the Celtics.

During the 2022 Finals, he shared the task with Marcus Smart of locking up Steph Curry. He fared well, but Curry's talent was too much for him to handle. Still, the former Colorado star was able to keep up with the best players on the biggest stage.

Now that he's able to start the season with the team, he'll get a chance to start things on a good note. With Derrick White's help, Boston (24-10) is in first place in the Eastern Conference.

Also read: Where does the number of Boston Celtics championships rank amongst NBA teams?

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