Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty 2.0 Kerenzikov stats, how to get, and more

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

There are many items, including weapons, vehicles, and cyberware, that are very useful for your character in Phantom Liberty. Cyberware are technological devices that can be inserted into your character's body to improve their stats. In addition, they grant improvements such as speed, better aim, or greater resistance. To obtain one of these implants, you must seek out the Ripperdocs, professionals who use their knowledge of aesthetics, technology, and medicine to insert the devices.

Among the many cyberwares that you can use in Phantom Liberty, there are some that can be inserted in the nervous system, such as the Kerenzikov. If you want to know all the details and how to use it in your game, we will tell you about it below.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty 2.0 Kerenzikov stats

In Phantom Liberty, cyberwares are helpful to improve your character's skills (Image via CD Projekt Red)


In Phantom Liberty, the Kerenzikov is a cyberware upgrade that goes into the Nervous System slot. One of its effects is to reduce the speed of time by 90%. This allows the main character to perform actions with more precision, as they are not momentarily affected by their enemies.

The character is also able to aim and shoot while dodging. However, due to the five-second cooldown, these attributes cannot be used very often, but only at strategic moments.

Effects of the Kerenzikov

The Kerenzikov has several effects appropriate to its class:






How do you get the Kerenzikov in Phantom Liberty?

Kerenzikov can be bought to Ripperdocs (Image via CD Projekt Red)

To obtain the Kerenzikov in Phantom Liberty, you must have enough Eddies to purchase it. Regardless of class, you can get these artifacts from various Ripperdocs around the map. Here are some of the places where you can get them:

We hope you found this guide to the Kerenzikov useful. You may also be interested in learning more about Phantom Liberty's Cyberwares.

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