Chinese Mini-Diet, Simple Diet (Potatoes and Yogurt)

April 2024 · 4 minute read

Losing a few pounds has become a vital part of almost everybody’s life. A few dietary changes in the daily meal plans can make a whole lot of difference in avoiding the excess intake of calories. For all the health freaks who want to lose weight and detoxify their body, we have come up with two ideal meal plans. Read on to find which one suits you best and take the first step towards a healthy and fit body.

Chinese Mini – Diet

Chinese mini-diet meal

Let’s first start with the Chinese mini diet.

You need to consume everything that is in the menu to get the best benefit of the Chinese mini diet. Avoid substituting any item and this diet will help speed up your metabolism and help in weight loss.


For breakfast you can import some boiled millet in a cup of skimmed milk and eat it like a porridge. Add a glass of green tea with lemon to this diet.


Yogurt mixed with any kind of fruit is just what you need, but avoid using bananas. If you don’t have enough time, you can eat an orange or a grapefruit. Add a cup of green tea with lemon to your snack.

Yum treat: Yogurt with strawberries


For lunch, you can have chicken steak with brown rice mixed with fresh vegetables and cooked potatoes.

You need to boil the steak and spice it up using lemon, red sauce and vinegar. You can eat until you feel satiated. After lunch, drink one cup of green tea with lemon.


Have a cup of milk / green tea or chamomile tea. This will provide great relaxation to you. You can eat an orange or grapefruit too.


For dinner, you can eat chicken pieces, cooked broccoli and seasonal vegetables, they should be cooked too. You should chop the chicken into pieces (around 1 cm big) and grill it. The fire should be strong so as to bake the chicken quickly. You can add lemon juice or a little plant spice to it. After dinner, you can eat a grapefruit or have green tea.


If you become hungry in the middle of the night, you can drink herbal tea or milk.

Stay on this diet for seven days and it will not only detoxify your body, but help you lose weight too. Use lots of lemon in the preparation of your meals and the green tea. The lemon will fix the taste of the food and will melt the excess fat faster.

Simple Diet with Potatoes and Yogurt

Feel Fuller: Cooked red potatoes

This diet that consists of yogurt and potatoes, will provide great results, if followed correctly for only three days. What’s more? It can help you lose up to 5 kilograms or around 10 – 11 pounds of weight.

The starch in the potato fulfills the minimum daily caloric intake. When it comes in contact with water, the starch swells in our liver and this meal gives the feeling of satiety.

It is alleged that potatoes can cause weight gain, but this is not true. Fried potatoes can lead to weight gain, but boiled or cooked ones are not a threat.  On the contrary, potatoes contain many different vitamins, minerals, and fibers that speed up the digestion process.

A 100 gram potato contains only 75 calories and that is less than in a glass of fresh orange juice that contains 90 calories. On the other hand, yogurt regulates the digestive system and helps remove excess fluids, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Meal plan

Breakfast – 1 boiled potato without salt and 1 cup of yogurt.

Lunch – 2 boiled potatoes without salt combined with 1 cup of yogurt.

Dinner – 2 cups of yogurt.

Breakfast – 1 cup yogurt.

Lunch – 2 boiled potatoes without salt and 1 cup of yogurt.

Dinner – 1 boiled potato without salt and a cup of yogurt.

Breakfast – 1 boiled potato without salt.

Lunch – 1 boiled potato without salt and 1 cup of yogurt.

Dinner – 1 cup of yogurt.

You will find this diet a little monotonous because you will need to eat a lot of boiled potatoes. But you will be happy to know that this diet means that you have had a very low calorie intake. Besides yogurt, you can drink water too. The diet is pretty tough, but if you manage to survive the three days, you stand to benefit.
