Chicago Fire Recap 2/21/17: Season 5 Episode 14 Purgatory

May 2024 · 11 minute read

Chicago Fire Recap 2/21/17: Season 5 Episode 14 "Purgatory"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all new Tuesday, February 21, season 5 episode 14 called, “Purgatory” and we have your Chicago Fire weekly recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Chief Anderson reassigns members of Firehouse 51 to other stations around town; and Boden fights to repair the situation, but it may be out of his control. In other events, Severide (Taylor Kinney) toils over an important decision.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 5 episode 14 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Chicago Fire begins with Randall “Mouch” McHolland (Christan Stolte) and Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg) arriving at Fire House 90. Capp (Randy Flagler) and Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso) reporting to the 9-11 call center and Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) and Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) at Firehouse 27.

Lt. Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney), Lt. Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) and Gabi Dawson (Monica Raymund) observe all the new crew members through a window when Matt tells Chief Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) that he needs to fix this.

Just as Boden welcomes them and introduces them to their Lieutenants, the alarms go off and he orders them to listen to the Lts. Severide is shocked when he hears Joe giving the team the address from the call center. On scene they see their patient hanging about 3 floors up off a parking garage ledge after being hit by a car.

The one, Milligan moving the ladder is having a hard time directing it in his direction. Severide tells Applebee to check the anchor point while he climbs down by rope to hold the man until the Matt is about to rescue him on the ladder. Gabi’s new partner is far too zealous for her liking.

Sylvie tells Stella about her new partner who refers to her as “girl” or “hey you”. Stella tells her Captain Tipton runs this house and he is one of those guys who thinks breaking down people is a way of building them up; then she tells Sylvie he is just an a-hole!

Just as she says that, Tipton begin screaming at a female candidate, saying she is nothing more than political correctness and why doesn’t she just do everyone a favor and quit before she gets him or someone else on her truck killed. Stella and Sylvie both sympathize but don’t say anything.

Brian “Otis” Zvonecek (Yuri Sardarov) is back at his old firehouse, who share good news; they now have a 40-qt pot in their kitchen. They ask about Firehouse 51, so he shares stories about some of their calls.

As Gabi brings the ambulance rig to get some fuel, her partner asks if she remembers him asking and attempts to do it again; she says she is married now to Matt Casey. Mouch and Herrman run into Matt and Gabi at the fleet management station and they beg Lt. Casey to do something about this.

Chief Boden meets with Chicago Fire Fire Commissioners, telling them his team works best together; Chief Jim Anderson (Michael Hanrahan) arrives saying he just found out about the meeting; believing there is question in his ability to be Deputy Chief. He say it is his right to reassign anyone he feels in his district and it has been than way for over 150 years, and if they’d like to change it, many would be interested to hear them showing favoritism to a certain Battalion Chief.

Boden shares with Matt, Severide and Gabi that the Commissioner is put in an impossible position; when they ask what that means for them, he says they don’t want to hear it; but he believes these assignments are permanent and orders them to get to know their men.

Severide says this is insane, that this morning the crew was so slow a guy nearly died trying to get to him. Boden orders him to show them their weaknesses and make sure it never happens again. Matt also begins to protest and Boden yells that they do their job and dismisses the 3 of them.

When training, Severide and Matt learn all their new crew members were floaters, not having a permanent house until now. Severide takes call from Chief Dennis Mack (Nick Boraine) wondering if he has given his offer any thought and would like an answer in the next few days.

Otis continues to tell stories about Firehouse 51’s rescues, of course he is telling them as him always being the hero. Meanwhile, Boden learns there are several firehouses that would love to help and respect him; but there is nothing any of them can do. Boden keeps replaying everything in his mind and doesn’t know how this escalated so fast. He advises Boden to lay low for about 6-months to a year, and when Anderson gets distracted, take a shot of getting his crew back then.

Captain Tipton (Frank Pando) continues to berate the new candidate in front of the entire crew while she scrubs the tiles in the kitchen. Stella steps in and tells him that’s enough, she is a candidate and new at this and all of them would be better served with carrots than with sticks.

He says he is glad she is back in his house because he is going to make her life a living hell as long as she is under his roof. He grabs the brush and tells her she needs to finish the grout, then the showers and garbage and if anyone helps her they will be on hose duty for the rest of the week. Sylvie approaches to help, but she tells her not to.

Gabi, Sylvie and Stella meet at Molly’s to commiserate their new positions and partners. Sylvie says she closes her eyes and whispers it’s all going to be okay. Gabi reveals she is working with Chow, who is like a unicorn mixed with rainbows, mixed with dolphins drunk on Red Bull and Mountain Dew. Missy arrives, where Stella introduces the candidate to her.

Severide suggests to Matt that he calls his father, Benny (Treat Williams) to see what he can dig up on Chief Anderson. Matt says Boden won’t sink in the mud, no matter what he finds.

Herrmann stands on the bar and tells all the members of 51 it is looking back for 51 but they need to remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady wins the race; keep their chins up and heads down and ride this puppy out. Cruz sticks his tongue out at him.

As Otis continues to share the stories, one of the other firemen catches him in a lie because he saw the actual event on the news and it was a Squad call, not a truck call. Mouch is so upset that the crew in their new house turns the couch sideways so they can watch a chess game.

Herrmann and Mouch go to complain to Boden saying their firehouse doesn’t care of they catch a fire and the place is disgusting; both of them refuse to go out in a firehouse like that. They are both yelling at him to do something and he shouts back for them to just get used to it. He said he tried everything but Anderson out ranks him, the assignments are permanent.

Herrmann loses his cool saying Boden gets to keep his nice cushy office while they are put out to pasture. Boden was supposed to protect them and he didn’t do enough to fix this. Boden stands up but Mouch pulls Herrmann out of his office so they can both cool down.

Gabi tries to hide in Matt’s office for a few minutes of peace from her partner, but as soon as Matt begins to close the blinds they get a call. They arrive at the restaurant, where the owner says he demanded they pull in the back; Gabi walks through the restaurant anyways. They find one of the chefs had chopped off all his fingers on his one hand.

Gabi deals with Carlos, telling Chow to gather up all the fingers and put them in a plastic bag full of ice. While they work the owner asks them how long this is going to take since they have guests waiting for their meals. He tells them to take Carlos out the back, instead, Gabi displays the bag of ice and fingers, telling the guests they are cleaning up the blood soon and to enjoy their lunch.

Sylvie sits with Missy, Stella joins the table when she hears Missy is giving him her notice on next shift. Stella says she can’t let him win; Missy says thanks for trying and for the other night but she is done.

Otis comes back and admits that he was right, he just heard that story so many times he feels like it happened to him, but as he begins to tell another story the 3 firemen he was talking about, walk out now that they know he is lying.

Severide and Matt come to see Boden; saying since these are drastic times he is going to call Benny and see what he can dig up on Anderson since they worked together a long time ago. Boden looks at Matt and tells him okay, and to do what he has to do. They get a call of a hotel fire and everyone is called out.

Chief Boden gives orders to his crews when every firehouse in the city arrives. Cruz and Capp arrive from the call center to help Severide and his crew. Stella hands Tipton a master key that opens all the doors but he asks what would be the fun in that? They continue to check all guest rooms.

Matt and Severide come to the ballroom, where most of the guests are located, but find the doors are jammed. Matt orders Truck to help 51 in the kitchen, Boden orders everyone out, other than those trying to break through the doors that seem to be fortified steel. Boden runs to the back of the truck and grabs an air hose, Otis runs to his truck and grabs the water hose from his truck.

There is a backdraft about to happen and Missy saves Captain Tipton’s life; Stella comes rushing them out of the building. They manage to force the doors open, managing to get guests out. Boden watches Otis is in action before helping the last guest out.

Outside, Boden smiles when he hears Otis say the fire is out. He orders everyone to get to work, feeling very proud of his team, regardless of what firehouse they are at, they all return together into the hotel.

Missy, Stella and Sylvie come back to their firehouse where the Captain nods at Missy and walks past. Sylvie and Stella remind he even if he doesn’t say anything, she did good in there and he will never forget it. Missy says there is no way she is quitting, that feeling she got rescuing him, nothing he says or does will stop her from chasing that again. The rest of the house returns congratulating Missy ad Sylvie’s partner shakes her hand saying she did nice work.

Back at 51, Boden is sitting in his office when one of the men he rescued from the fire knocks on his door. Boden learns he is Deputy Mayor and that conference was for “The Better Chicago Project” and the firefighters saved 15 government leaders from all over Chicago. He commends him on all his men and women firefighters; Boden says they would love to know that. Deputy Mayor is recommending an accommodation for Chief Boden; but he tells him there is something else he would like more than a medal. He tells him to name it.

Chief Anderson confronts Boden, saying he doesn’t know how he did it, but this is not over. Boden says he did it by doing his job to the best of his ability; he finds when he does that good things follow. Anderson says he only got lucky.

Boden tells him when he was at the academy, there was a pool hall where the they would play for a couple bucks a game. He said every time he won, he would hear that he got lucky but after a few solid weeks of winning, they stopped playing him because maybe it wasn’t luck.

Anderson promises they will see each other again. Boden reassures him he will be ready and walks out of Anderson’s office. Boden tells his crew the laundry room will be where they store the new equipment for now and they will be hosting 2 class field trips, so keep the place pristine. Mouch jokes that it sounds like a squad job; Boden tells him it sounds like a 51 job and welcomes them all back.

Severide looks at everyone being so happy to be back, he goes to his office and calls Anna (Charlotte Sullivan) telling her he got the clarity he needed and has decided that Chicago is his home and as much as he wants to be with her, he needs to stay there.

The End!
