Castle Recap 4/4/16: Season 8 Episode 16 Heartbreaker

June 2024 · 8 minute read

Castle Recap 4/4/16: Season 8 Episode 16 "Heartbreaker"

Tonight on ABC Castle starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday April 4, season 8 episode 16 called “Heartbreaker” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode one of Esposito’s (Jon Huertas)  old cases is reexamined by Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) because of a clue left at a crime scene involving an armored-car driver’s murder.

On the last episode the team headed to the NYPD Academy for an investigation involving a murdered recruit. Meanwhile, Castle grappled with a decision with far-reaching ramifications for himself and Beckett. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per ABC’s synopsis, “a clue at the scene of the death of an armored-car driver leads Beckett and Castle back to an old case solved by Esposito. But complications arise when they learn that Esposito might not have been telling them everything about his past with the culprit.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great so be sure to tune in to CASTLE on ABC at 10PM EST. We’ll be blogging all the action, be sure to hit up the comments and tell us how excited you are for season 8 episode 16. While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of “Castle” kicks off with two armored truck employees working in the middle of the night. They unload their tuck and head in to a secured office with their bags of money. While they are in the office, someone propels from the ceiling of the garage and steals the rest of the money bags from the truck – then shoots and kills one of the guards.

Meanwhile, Kate has officially moved back in to Castle’s house and they are no longer pretending that they have broken up. They came to a mutual agreement and decided that they would hunt LokSat together. However, Kate is having a tough time getting used to Castle’s live-in robot Lucy, who seems to be an awful lot like a girlfriend to him.

A call comes in – Kate announces they have a homicide. Castle rushes to the scene of the crime – the garage where the armored truck drivers were attacked. Kate says that she has a meeting with the DA, and she will meet up with Castle and “the boys” later.

Lani and Espinosa fill Castle in – Michael Kirby was shot and killed, one gun shot wound to the head. The killer propelled down form an air conditioning duct and got away with $100,000. His partner Darren Ives rushed outside to help when he hear the gun shot – but the killer was already gone. Castle finds something suspicious at the scene of the crime. It smells like perfume, it’s blue jelly, and dripping from the air conditioning duct – apparently it’s what the robber used to deactivate the sensors in the alarm system.

Espinosa automatically recognizes the blue jelly and sends it off to the lab. Back at the precinct, he explains to Castle and Kate that he saw a similar case 10 years ago. A woman named Sonya Ruiz stole $10 Million from an auction house and they used a unique blend of jello and lady’s perfume. They get the lab results back, and it is identical from the heist 9 years ago. Someone from Sonya’s crew is reusing her technique – it can’t be her because she is still in jail.

Kate visits Sonya Ruiz in prison – she tells her about the case, Sonya says she couldn’t rat him out if he wanted to. Sonya says that Jimmy Sanchez died three years ago, and she doesn’t know the other guys’ name – his nickname was “Hammerhead.” Sonya tells Kate that if she gets her out of prison, she can help her find the killer. The judge shockingly agrees to give Sonya a furlow so she can help Kate with the case.

When Kate shows up at the precinct with Sonya – she is shocked to learn that Espinosa is actually her ex-fiance. Espinosa and Sonya were engaged to be married, until he had to arrest her and put her in jail for 9 years after he realized she was behind the heist. Espinosa insists to Castle that he is totally over Sonya, and he can work the case without any problems.

Sonya is going under cover at a bar in Spanish Harlem to try and find “Hammerhead” – she refuses to take Ryan with her because he is white, she takes Espinosa with her to the bar after they stop and get her some new clothes.

Espinosa plays “Five Finger Fillet” with the bartender and he finally admits that he knows “Hammerhead.” And, says his real name is Joey – he gives them the address of his Grandmother. Espinosa and Sonya head to the Grandmother’s house – a guy with a beard pulls a gun on them, while he has Espinosa pinned with the gun, Sonya makes a run for it.

Espinosa takes down the guy with the gun and handcuffs him to a radiator. Then he makes a run for it and chases down Sonya. She insists that she wasn’t trying to escape, she was trying to find a phone to call for help. Espinosa and Kate sit down with Jimmy/Hammerhead, he insists that he had nothing to do with this heist. And, he has a legit alibi – he was at a restaurant called Chicken Chicken Chicken.

Back at the police station, Ryan is working a new angle – he thinks that it was an inside job. Someone used a security code to disable the infared cameras at the warehouse – and it was the victim Kirby’s code that was used. He sits down with Kirby’s wife and tells her that her husband was involved in the heist. Someone had been depositing $10,000 in to their bank account for months. She admits that her husband borrowed money from bad people – and then he met someone and agreed to help with the heist. She gives Ryan the prepaid cell phone that Kirby’s accomplice used to call him on.

Espinosa begs Kate to let him be the one that takes Sonya back to prison. She finally agrees – but warns him to go straight to prison, no detours. Espinosa disobeys, and takes Sonya to his mother’s house for family dinner so she can get a home-cooked meal. After dinner, Espinosa and Sonya bond and she convinces him to let her take a hot shower.

While Sonya is in the shower, Espinosa gets a phone call from Ryan. Ryan traced the calls on Kirby’s burner phone, and three of them came from Sonya’s prison – she was behind the heist the whole time. Espinosa runs in to the bathroom – but Sonya is already gone, she went out the bathroom window.

Ryan agrees to help Espinosa find Sonya before Kate finds out that she escaped. Ryan and Espinosa head back to Joey’s – he confesses that he was recruited to try and help Sonya scape when she got out on furlow. He said that some “old dude” called him, named Albert Peno.

Espinosa gets Albert’s address and rushes out – when he arrives Albert is on his death bed. He realizes that the reason that Sonya broke out was because her father was going to die any day now, and he had her share of the gold. If her dad died while she was in prison, then his wife would get all of Sonya’s money from the heist. A guy jumps Espinosa while he is confronting Sonya, and knocks him out with the butt of his gun.

Ryan and his team arrives at Sonya’s dad’s house a few minutes later – and everyone is gone, there is a blood stain on the rug where Espinosa was knocked out. Meanwhile, Espinosa wakes up in the back of a van – Sonya and her boyfriend Ronaldo are driving him to an undisclosed location.

Ryan has no choice but to call Kate and tell her that Sonya is on the loose, and now she and her boyfriend Ronaldo have taken him hostage. Kate has Vikram run a trace on the cell phone that Sonya’s dad was using before he got sick – and they figure out where her dad was holding Sonya’s gold while she was in prison.

At the warehouse, Sonya finds her gold and is thrilled. Ronaldo wants to kill Espinosa so they can leave with the gold and start new lives together. Sonya pulls her gun on Ronaldo and won’t let him kill Espinosa. Espinosa takes down Ronaldo, Sonya begs him to leave with her this time. Ryan barges in with the NYPD and they arrest Sonya … again.

The next day at work, Kate tells Espinosa that she is going to have to suspend him for a week without pay. Before Epsinosa leaves, he talks to the DA and gets a deal for Sonya. If she testifies against Ronaldo, then she only has to do two more years in prison. He promises her that he will come visit her this time.

Castle comes home – he is shocked to see that Lucy is gone, and his robot is now a man named Linus. It turns out Kate loves Linus, but Linus is not a fan of Castle.

