Big Brother 18 Recap Victor Returns, Nicole HoH, Meech and Paul on Chopping Block: Season 18 Episode

May 2024 · 11 minute read

Big Brother 18 Recap Victor Returns, Nicole HoH, Meech and Paul on Chopping Block: Season 18 Episode 32 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 18 airs with an all new Sunday, August 28, season 18 episode 32 and we’ve got your Big Brother 18 recap down below! On tonight’s episode, nominations for eviction are revealed.

On the last episode, a houseguest was eliminated from the competition and evicted from the Big Brother house. Once the houseguest left an endurance competition HoH began! Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed Big Brother 18 recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s BB18 as per the CBS synopsis, “On tonight’s episode the endurance HoH competition is completed and the HoH is crowned.  Later houseguests are nominated for eviction.”

The Big Brother 18 recap begins tonight at 8pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about the Big Brother 18 recap tonight? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#BigBrother18 starts with the comp that will let one of the evicted jurors back into the #BB18 house and also determine HoH. We see Da’Vonne talking about the battle to get back into the house. Victor is determined to get back into the house and win HoH.

Paulie is also hoping to get back into the house but Natalie thinks he’ll come after her and hopes that Bridgette wins it. The Loch Mess challenge is a wall comp with everyone standing on a ledge. Paul hopes that Victor comes back because he blew up his game trying to help Victor.

We see Paul talking to James four hours before eviction and Michelle coming at Paul and calling him a liar and a baby. Paul says she thinks she can disrespect anyone without repercussions. He calls her out on being a bully and calls her the c* word.

Dissention in the ranks

She snaps over that and he says she kicks people while they are down and then turns around and cries about it. Meech eavesdrops from the safari room after she stomps off. Paul says James helped put him on the block but Natalie says she did it, not James.

James tells Paul that Natalie wants Victor to stay and Nicole hears it from the bathroom and is stunned Corey was in the kitchen and heard it too. Nicole asks Corey later if he heard that and says that scares her and says Natalie lies and it showed her so much about her.

Now, on the wall, Nicole is determined to stay in the HoH house because she doesn’t think she can trust Natalie and James anymore even though they had an alliance. Day doesn’t like this comp because she doesn’t like water or heights and this competition has both.

Day and Z jump out of the comp

Zakiyah tells Bridgette she’s going to all and Day listens too. Victor tells them to relax. Day looked at Victor and know she can’t beat him. Da’Vonne and Zakiyah agree to jump together. They hold hands, leap and are out of the comp. Natalie and Meech are stunned.

Later Day cries in the Diary Room and says she just could not do the comp. She says she feels like she let her daughter down. James does his squatting thing when his arms get tired. Nicole takes note. James says later he becomes one with the wall. Nicole says she would fall if she did it.

Paul isn’t happy but has to hang on because he says he can’t trust anyone in the house. The wall tilts way out and they have to hang on at an angle. Corey is struggling. He falls. That leaves Paulie, Bridgette and Victor on the wall for jurors and Paul, James and Nicole as houseguests on the wall.

Bridgette falls off the wall

Paul says Nicole’s runny mascara is scarier than the challenge. 30 minutes into the challenge, Bridgette is hoping she can stay in but her arms are numb and she’s losing her grip. She topples off her ledge and falls in at 33 minutes.

That leaves Paulie and Victor battling to return to the house. James is worried since he helped put both of them out of the house. Paulie fumbles but then saves himself when he almost falls. He’s struggling badly. Looks like the abuse from the girls in the jury house may have thrown him off his game.

Victor is determined to get back into the house yet again. The comp rages on. Paulie finally loses it and falls off the wall and Victor bellows that he’s back in the house. Natalie cheers for him. Victor says he’s unevictable and has made history. Meech cheers too.

The battle is on for HoH

As Paulie leaves, the battle for returning juror is done and now it’s about HoH. Paul tells Victor to hang onto the wall and Victor says he’s hurting. Paul encourages him to hang tight and so do the two girls watching. Tall guys have a harder time with wall challenges.

Victor can’t hang in there and falls so it’s down to Paul, James and Nicole. At an hour into the comp, Nicole is worried and said in the Diary Room that right before eviction she found out she can’t trust James and isn’t sure she can trust Paul either even though they’ve been taking.

At 90 minutes, the wall tilts far forward and Paul struggles. He finally falls in and it’s down to James and Nicole. Paul hopes that James doesn’t win because he knows that means trouble. James tells Nicole he’s won three wall comps and wants this one. Nicole whines about wanting a letter.

Nicole makes a deal

Nicole tells James she wouldn’t nominate him or Natalie. He offers her the same deal for her and Corey. Meech is worried about any deal they’re making. Nicole keeps whining about wanting a letter from her mom and says she can’t go another week without hearing from her mom.

She says her mom is her best friend. Natalie sees this too and doesn’t want James to fall because she doesn’t trust Nicole. James asks again if she’ll keep them safe and then he agrees and says he’ll drop so she can have a letter. James tells the cameras that he’s doing this for Nicole’s mom Jenny.

James knows he’s broken the same kind of deal before but feels like he can trust Nicole now. He says good job and then sits down and drops off the wall and gives the HoH to her at just over two hours. Meech hugs her and gives her an HoH key.

Nicole ponders whether she will keep her promise

Paul is happy that Nicole is HoH and Victor is back. He wants to keep working with her. Corey asks Nicole what deal she made with James and she says they promised not to nominate each other. She says she thinks that James was going to fall and that’s why he made the deal.

Nicole doesn’t know what to do and isn’t sure she can trust James but hopes Corey gets the care package and says she definitely wants to put Meech on the block. Meech asks James what deal he made with Nicole and he says not to put him up. He says he couldn’t make a deal to protect her.

Michelle says in Dairy Room that it sucks James didn’t try to protect her too. Nicole and Corey ask Paul later if he and Victor are fine and he says they are and says he was just pretending to try and get him to stay. Paul says Natalie, James and Meech burn bridges bad. He says they can trust him.

Nomination paranoia sets in

James asks Natalie is she’s mad. She feels like he fell when he could have won it but James says she’s safe. He says they gave Nicole the comp, so they gave her everything and says what else should they give her, their first-born child. Natalie says he should have had that comp.

James says don’t stress about it and says they’ll come for him first. Natalie says again that he could have won it and says that this comp he threw could send her home. She wonders if they can trust Nicole. Victor and Paul talk to Corey and Nicole.

Paul tells her that the other three are shady while he and Victor are loyal. He says them or Corey will get the package, so the power is there in that room. Nicole worries about them going to James and Natalie next week. Paul says they will use the care package to prove their trust.

A new alliance is born

Paul says he’s smart and so is Nicole and Victor and Corey are beast competitors so this is good. Nicole considers it because she thinks Natalie and James have been sketchy lately. They discuss how they can all four trust each other long term.

Corey tells Nicole that James lied when he put Frank on the block and sent Zakiyah home and then Paulie and says they were friends of theirs. Corey says James has put them in bad spots before and Nicole says it’s hard to do this. Corey asks if she feels good about nomming Paul and Victor.

He says he’d rather go final four with the two guys than Natalie and James. Nicole says Paul and Victor are the best people in the house. He suggests nomming Meech and Natalie. Nicole says no and she wants to target Michelle this week and keep James and Paul at each other.

America’s Care Package arrives

Nicole freaks out when the Care Package arrives. They head out and Victor really hopes it’s for him. It plops down and they see it’s for Corey. He’s excited to have won it. He opens up his package. He got a jock strap and some Ray Bans plus a candy cane because Corey loves Christmas.

Then he reads that he won the #BBBribe where he can give a houseguest $5k to do something he wants to advance his game. He doesn’t have to tell other houseguests about the bribe that he made but the person he bribed has to do whatever they promised.

Corey thanks America. Victor says Corey is like Don Corleone offering payment. Nicole says maybe it could be a vote and he says he can bribe Nicole to nominate someone. Nicole is happy that they have all the power this week. Paul is worried that Nicole and Corey could turn on them now.

Nomination talks solidify

Nicole is thrilled that he won the Care Package and he wonders what America wants them to do. Nicole says America just wanted Victor and Paul not to have it. Corey says maybe he can get someone to do something stupid but she says it has to be for a game thing.

Corey says maybe they can use it to buy an extra vote to get Michelle out. Nicole says they have no idea how to use it and tells him to hold onto it for now. She says let’s see if we need to use it after we have the Veto Comp. James tells Natalie he’s not worried about nominations.

James says Nicole won’t blindside them. James doesn’t want Natalie to go talk to Nicole and Corey and say the wrong thing and puts their game at risk. James calms her down and says if they’re going to betray them, there’s nothing they can do anyway.

Nomination fake out

Victor comes and hops into the bed with Nicole and Corey then Paul comes in too. Nicole tells the guys she can’t trust Michelle and she would come after any of them and says she’s a smart game player. She says he wants her gone and the guys agree and support it.

Nicole says let’s keep Natalie and James calm and tells Paul she’ll put him up with Meech. Paul agrees and says he trusts her totally. Paul hopes he is right to trust the alliance. Paul says they could be the final four he’s been looking for. Nicole says they need a name.

Paul says there have been so many alliances this summer, they should keep it simple and call themselves #FinalFour. They high five. Nicole says in Diary Room that she feels good about this alliance. She goes to make her nomination choices then calls everyone in.

Nomination ceremony

Nicole calls everyone in for the nomination ceremony. She reveals she nominated Michelle and Paul. She tells them she nominated them both for being a threat to her game and says they’re both smart. Paul holds up a hand to indicate it’s the fifth time he’s been nommed.

Michelle is happy she didn’t cry when she was nominated but feels good that Paul was nommed too and thinks he’s the big threat and will be sent home. James is happy with the nominations and thinks their deal with Nicole is good. Nicole is focused on Meech.

Nicole says she has to keep James and Natalie happy and in the dark about the new alliance. Paul says he’s a block master by now and will send crying vomiting Meech home after he wins the PoV. He’s confident. Next episode, we find out who won PoV but check CDL’s spoilers for an advance look at the result.

