Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Storm Glider: Defeating Strategies - SarkariResult

April 2024 · 4 minute read

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora - Storm Gliders

News: Within the virtual realm of “Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora,” resides the formidable Storm Glider—a colossal creature renowned for its prowess. These majestic beings boast impressive wings that afford them the capability to traverse vast distances, harnessing ascending air currents. Despite their somewhat limited agility in flight, their hunting prowess remains unparalleled. Proficient in identifying prey on the ground, they adeptly swoop down, swiftly incapacitating their target with a venomous tail strike.

Hunting Behaviors

An intriguing aspect of Storm Gliders is their occasional confusion, as they may mistake moving vehicles for prey. Despite not being the most intellectually advanced creatures, their potential danger increases significantly when hunting in pairs. Upon delivering a venomous sting to their target, they exhibit a distinctive behavior—either transporting it to an elevated ledge or consuming it immediately while warding off other predators with their formidable tails. Although these majestic creatures typically roam solo, they unite in pairs temporarily to nurture their offspring. The encounter with a duo of Storm Gliders engaged in joint hunting within the Pandora wilderness is widely regarded as one of the most perilous situations.


Within the game’s virtual landscape, players may come across Storm Gliders in the Western Frontier and Upper Plains environments. These formidable creatures boast lengths of up to 20 meters, accompanied by an impressive average wingspan spanning 38 meters.

Combat Strategies

Successfully overcoming a Storm Glider in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora demands careful strategy, especially when navigating the skies on your Ikran. While these creatures can sense your presence on the ground, they are more likely to launch an attack if you’re airborne. Provoking a Storm Glider during flight could result in a forceful aerial assault, potentially knocking you off your Ikran.

To emerge unscathed and secure a decisive victory, it is advised to swiftly land on solid ground. Maintaining a safe distance from the Storm Glider is paramount, as it relentlessly pursues, lunging and slamming in your direction. For optimal results, equip a Heavy Bow, capable of delivering a potent fully charged shot. Unlike a Shortbow, the fully charged shot provides precision in aiming and timing.

Identifying the weak points of a Storm Glider is crucial—the gills located on either side of the base of its neck. Given the creature’s speed and aggression, aligning the shot can pose a challenge. However, a strategic moment arises right after the Storm Glider executes a wing swipe attack. In the brief period of relative stillness following this move, seize the opportunity to unleash a fully charged arrow, bringing the formidable creature down.

Resource Harvesting

Upon successfully vanquishing a Storm Glider in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, players can harvest valuable resources from its carcass. These sought-after materials include Storm Glider Tooth, Storm Glider Horn, and Storm Glider Lean Meat, each possessing distinct applications within the game.

The Storm Glider stands out as a formidable adversary in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, leveraging its expansive wings and adept aerial hunting skills to present a substantial challenge to players. However, armed with the appropriate strategies and leveraging the fully charged shot of the Heavy Bow, players can triumph over these creatures and reap the rewards of valuable resources. It is imperative to exercise caution when confronting Storm Gliders, particularly during airborne encounters on an Ikran.


1. How do Storm Gliders go about hunting?

Storm Gliders employ a hunting strategy that involves identifying prey on the ground and swiftly diving down to knock it over, followed by stinging it with their poisonous tail.

2. In the game, where is it possible to come across Storm Gliders?

Storm Gliders can be found in the Western Frontier and Upper Plains environments within the game.

3. What kind of resources can be gathered from a vanquished Storm Glider?

From a defeated Storm Glider, players can harvest valuable resources such as Storm Glider Tooth, Storm Glider Horn, and Storm Glider Lean Meat.
