American Detective episode on ID

April 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Clarence and Carman Jenkins, a South Carolina couple, were charged with the murder and dismemberment of Mekole Harris, a 34-year-old mother of four children, in 2012. The duo were both linked to the murder after authorities found incriminating evidence at their home. The victim's body parts were found in two separate garbage bags, accompanied by threatening notes, outside two Greenville homes in April 2008.

Trigger warning: This article contains some details of a murder. Discretion is advised.

According to reports, Clarence and Carman Jenkins are currently serving their sentences of life in prison and 40 years respectively at the Perry Correctional Institution in Pelzer and the Leath Correctional Institution in Greenwood, South Carolina.

ID's Homicide Hunter: American Detective chronicles Mekole Harris' grisly murder and dismemberment in an episode titled Body Parts on March 15, at 10.00 pm ET. The synopsis reads as:

"Two South Carolina women make horrifying discoveries on their doorsteps, including ominous death threats and trash bags containing severed human appendages."

Carman Jenkins pleaded guilty and also testified against her husband in connection to Mekole Harris' murder and dismemberment

In March 2012, 24-year-old Carman Jenkins, one of two people accused of killing and dismembering Mekole Harris of Greenville in April 2007, pleaded guilty to murder and was initially given a 50-year prison sentence.

Harris' body parts, including her hands and feet, were reportedly found in two separate garbage bags outside two Greenville homes in April 2008. The garbage bags were accompanied by two threatening letters sent out to someone named "Grace." Authorities also found blood evidence, knives, handcuffs, a clump of hair belonging to the victim, and copies of other threatening letters at the duo's residence.

Prior to Carman's plea deal, the 13th Circuit Solicitor's Office had stated that the couple would stand trial together. However, by entering a guilty plea, she managed to avoid trial altogether and was given a lenient sentence of 40 years. Prosecutors agreed to drop the capital murder charge against her because of her cooperation that led investigators to Harris' remains. She also agreed to testify against her husband.

Clarence and Carman Jenkins held Mekole Harris captive for a day before murdering and then dismembering her

In her testimony against her husband Clarence, Carman Jenkins detailed how they murdered Mekole Harris and later dismembered her body. She claimed that her husband pretended to be a police officer to convince Harris to assist them in exchange for him keeping her out of jail.

They tied her up and forced her to contact Grace Davis' family and demand them for $10,000. Davis was the woman who temporarily resided with the couple and shared a romantic connection with the duo before moving out not long before the murder.

They mentioned Davis' name in the threatening letters, asking her to return the money she owed. Authorities believed the body parts were sent out as a warning to the woman. She was in no way linked to Harris.

According to Carman Jenkins' testimony, Harris was held captive for about a day before the couple killed her. She claimed that after cutting off the victim's hands and feet, they carried her body to the Paris Mountain where they set it on fire.

A jury convicted Clarence Jenkins of the crime less than a month after Carman Jenkins was given a 50-year prison term. He received a life in prison sentence. The following year, Carman got her sentence reduced to 40 years.

Homicide Hunter: American Detective airs on ID this Wednesday.

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