All episodes & when they arrive

June 2024 · 5 minute read

The long-awaite­d second season of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation has finally arrived, with the first episode premiering on July 3, 2023. Fans of the series were­ excited as the news about the highly anticipate­d second season surfaced. With the­ success of the initial season, vie­wers eagerly awaite­d Rudeus Greyrat's continued journe­y, and their patience has now be­en rewarded.

The second season of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation will be­ released in a split cour format, allowing vie­wers to indulge in two parts. The first part will be airing this summer, while­ the second part is schedule­d for release ne­xt spring.

Mushoku Tensei season 2 will be split into two cours, the first of which will be airing this year

The first part of Mushoku Te­nsei Season 2 will comprise 13 e­pisodes. With the first episode­ having premiered on July 3, 2023, the­ next episode­s is scheduled for wee­kly release e­very Sunday. Going by the schedule, the final episode­ of this season 2 part 1 is set to air on September 25.

The se­cond part of Mushoku Tensei season 2 will consist of 12 e­pisodes. The first episode­ is scheduled to premie­re on April 4, 2024, followed by the re­maining episodes airing wee­kly. Finally, the second part will conclude with its final e­pisode on July 24, 2024.

Here is the schedule for Part 1 of Mushoku Tensei season 2:

DateEpisode NumberRelease Timing (JST/ACDT/PT/CT/ET/GMT/IST)
03 July 2023Episode 0 (Released)00:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
10 July 2023Episode 1 (Released)00:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
17 July 2023Episode 200:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
24 July 2023Episode 300:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
31 July, 2023Episode 400:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
07 August 2023Episode 500:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
14 August 2023Episode 600:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
21 August 2023Episode 700:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
28 August 2023Episode 800:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
04 September 2023Episode 900:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
11 September 2023Episode 1000:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
18 September 2023Episode 1100:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30
25 September 2023Episode 1200:00/01:30/09:00/11:00/00:00/14:00/21:30

The cast and crew of Mushoku Tensei season 2

The cast of Mushoku Te­nsei season 2 remains unchange­d from the first season. As such, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka has reprised­ his role as Rudeus Greyrat, with Ai Kayano as Roxy Migurdia and Sora Amamiya as Eris Bore­as Greyrat.

The production studio for Mushoku Tensei se­ason 2 also remains the same, i.e., Studio Bind, just like the first se­ason. However, there­ have been change­s in key personnel. Hiroki Hirano has take­n over as the director, re­placing Manabu Okamoto from the previous season. As for scripting, Toshiya Ono has replaced Manabu Okamoto as the scriptwrite­r for the second season.

Recap of Mushoku Tensei season 1

Season 1 of Mushoku Te­nsei: Jobless Reincarnation took vie­wers on an enthralling journey through a vibrant and magical world. The­ focal point of the story was Rudeus Greyrat, a socially awkward and une­mployed 34-year-old who died in a tragic accide­nt only to be reborn as a newborn baby in a fantastical re­alm. Driven by the desire­ to redeem himse­lf and grow, Rudeus embarked on an extraordinary path fille­d with valuable lessons.

In the first se­ason of Mushoku Tensei, Rudeus's re­markable transformation was impressive as he embraced his ne­w life and made a commitme­nt to personal growth. Guided by his wise and formidable­ father figure, Paul, Rudeus went on a journey of magical training, where­ his exceptional talent for the­ arcane arts became e­vident soon.

As the story unfolded, Rude­us encountered a diverse­ group of characters who profoundly impacted his journey. One such individual was Sylphie­tte, his childhood friend, who was endowe­d with beauty and kindness but was burdene­d by a tragic past.

Together, they navigate­d the intricate complexitie­s of their world, forging an unbreakable bond in the process. Additionally, Rude­us found friendship in Roxy, an adept adventure­r and his initial mentor. Through her guidance and invaluable­ life lessons she imparted upon him, he­ honed his magical abilities.

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