30 Victor Wembanyama-inspired Fantasy Basketball team names to try out in 2023-24 NBA season

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The Victor Wembanyama era has begun in San Antonio and he is expected to change the fortunes of the storied, but recently struggling, Spurs franchise. Considering the skill set that he brings to the table, the French phenom is seen as a valuable asset in Fantasy Basketball play.

In his four preseason games for the Spurs, ‘Wemby’ posted solid numbers of 19.25 points, 4.75 rebounds and 2.75 blocks in 21 minutes on the floor. San Antonio ended its preseason campaign with a 3-2 card.

For fantasy league managers who want to moniker their teams after this year’s top overall rookie pick, below are some Victor Wembanyama-inspired Fantasy Basketball team names for the 2023-24 regular season.

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30 Victor Wembanyama-inspired Fantasy Basketball team names to select from for the about-to-start 2023-24 NBA season

Inspiration-focused website Sports Feel Good Stories recently came up with an article on 30 Victor Wembanyama-inspired Fantasy Basketball team names. Here are some of them:

1. WINbanyama

2. Sweet Home Wembanyama

3. The Eiffel Power

4. World Wide Wemb

5. ReWember the Name

6. Wemby’s Block-And-Roll

7. Victor’s Dunk Synasty

8. Slick Vic

9. 3-10 To Yama

10. The Wemby City

11. To Infinity and Banyama

12. That’s My Mama!

13. You Wemb Some You Lose Some

14. The French Perfection

15. Wemby Stadium

16. Banyama Republic

17. Yo Yama

18. Banyama Split

19. Wemby Or Not

20. Phi-Slamma-Yama!

21. Search the Wemb

22. First Vic Overall

23. The Rifle Tower

24. The French Rejection

25. The Stifle Tower

26. Victorious B.I.G.

27. The Chosen One

28. The Next Big Thing

29. Welcome to Wemby’s – Can I take your order?

30. Wemby

The possibilities are actually limitless as far as possible Victor Wembanyama-related Fantasy Basketball team names are concerned.

Victor Wembanyama 2023-24 NBA Fantasy Basketball Projections

Prized rookie Wembanyama is expected to create a big ripple in his first season in the NBA. So, Fantasy Basketball League managers should consider him as a viable option to select in the earlier rounds of the draft.

At 7-foot-4, the 19-year-old French phenom uncannily possesses both height and agility, which he makes good use of on both ends. He is likely to be the focal point of the San Antonio Spurs’ attack in the about-to-start season and beyond.

ESPN projected Wembanyama to be good for 19.9 points, 9.5 rebounds and 2.4 blocks in his first year. Certainly, these are numbers that should help any fantasy team that would have him in its fold.

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